My Story

It took me over 30 years of denying my anxiety, repressed emotions and depressive thoughts before I realized that I had the choice to move about my life another way.  One that didn't take a toll out of my relationships and my overall health.
As an overwhelmed Interior & Lighting Designer, I worked long hours, juggled between family, friends and deadlines, all the while I tried to keep my sanity with a "WORK HARD & PLAY HARD" mindset.
I over-indulged in  false pleasures like junk food, alcohol, destructive relationships and work overload to numb the deep unconscious pain I caused myself.  I gradually became exhausted, confused and depressed. I drove myself away from my family, relationships and happiness.  Above all my health took a turn for the worse.  My skin broke out and I literally couldn't breathe with asthma attacks.
The first time I decided to take care of myself, my life started to come together for me. I was determined to take control over my life and heal myself naturally. I discovered that if I was going to manifest anything I wanted in my life, I had to change my mindset. I had to take responsibility over my thoughts and emotions and start to make time for myself.  I found my balance by implementing small changes one thought at a time, one choice at a time, consistently over time.


CHOOSING TO DEVOTE TO MYSELF IS EVERYTHING!  I invested in myself and my mental, emotional and physical well-being.  I chose to look at my current belief systems and questioned whether they worked for me any longer.  With every decision I made to honour my well-being, the more I felt like myself, the more I loved who I was.  It was natural for me to change my diet and lifestyle habits because I didn't feel the pressure to be perfect and liked by everyone.  I chose to do things because I wanted to and not because others wanted me to.
By redirecting myself back to choosing to take care of myself first every day, I self-healed my state of depression, improved my gut health, cleared my eczema, acne and asthma symptoms.  I was naturally more present and joyful in my relationships because I wasn't using my time and energy to drill myself into being better.  I could relax into who I was without the need to change who I was.
I felt freedom in my mind, body and developed an even deeper connection with Spirit. I met the love of my life, started my own mindset + wellness coaching business and stepped into the true fullness of who I AM meant to be.
I uncovered MY PURPOSE and my LOVE for life.
I am here spread LOVE to millions of heart-focused and driven human beings and help them to recognize their inner genius.  
I get to help you too! I can help you free your busy mind and reveal the root cause to your fear, doubt, guilt and shame so you can be confident to succeed not only in business, but in LIVING.  
If you want to naturally reduce your stress, elevate your energy levels and effectively eliminate unwanted distractions and unhealthy habits, I can show you how.


If I can make changes, YOU CAN TOO! 

Live + Grow Freely as You

Let's create a business that truly reflects your soul shall we?

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