Your love alone can change your world in just one moment.
Trust in it.
This world yearns for a daring soul like you to express yourself authentically and wholeheartedly.In your boldness, others can find the courage within to do so as well.
YOU and all your messy humanness IS your greatest gift to this world.
You are not meant to fit in a box.
You are meant to amplify your fierceness.
There is nothing you "need to, have to or should" change about yourself to fully love yourself through your work and have a life well-lived.
Allow yourself to be just as you are and you will naturally open up space to ease and joy of BEING YOU.
Making an impact in this world is a no-brainer, done deal for you because you're already doing it.
Deliberately CHOOSE YOU today, tomorrow and every day as if it was your last, first and only chance.
With this, you will see what so many others already see in you.
It's an honour to walk alongside you and remind you of your gifts every step of the way.
For all those times you want to quit and crawl back into your shell, I will be there.
You have everything you need to be great right here, right now.
Let's live from acceptance, not for acceptance, together.
Shall we show fear who's boss?
xo Vanessa
Vanessa Leung
♡ Heart Amplifier and Personal Systems Designer
Self-kindness and appreciation starts now.
Return to Wholeness.
You know what you want that you are meant to share your brilliance in this world, and you’re done with doing it everyone else's way.
The next step is to trust yourself.
You don't need more knowledge or experience to TRUST. All you need is devotion to see that 'you already AM what you need.' HERE . . and . . . NOW.
Other people's judgements do not have power over you. Your heart and love for humanity is greater than the fears and doubts you hear.
Your naturally loving ways is your SUPERPOWER. Let the doubt be your key to unlocking a higher greatness and GRACE for you and your business.
What if you could embrace the thrilling discomfort of pursuing what you want, the way you want it, without draining your energy?
What if having a compassionate relationship with doubt and shame is part of your success?
There is a deep knowing in you that you can trust. Your only task is to honour it.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of getting it wrong.
Fear of disappointing others.
Fear of self-sabotage.
Fear of success.
They are all here to SERVE YOU.
Your LOVE is stronger than your fears.
The good and the bad, the highs and the lows and everything in between is your best marketing tool.
Embrace what matters most to you. Surrender what doesn't.
Honour your needs without force or pressure . . . but with simple hugs to your soul.
Love yourself where you are now.
A new perfect.
Self Mastery is recognizing that you're not missing anything.
Self Mastery is to love yourself through the discomfort.
You took this challenge on because you know it's what you're made for.
Success is ever-flowing. Inner grace is where you find it.
Devote yourself to seeing it everyday and you cannot unsee it.
Self Mastery is . . .
- SELF-WORTH. No matter what you do or don't do . . . YOU ARE WORTHY.
- SELF-TRUST. No matter what your inner critic says . . . YOU TRUST YOURSELF.
- SELF-INTIMACY. No matter how hard it might feel . . . YOU HOLD YOURSELF LOVINGLY THROUGH IT.
Fear is a temporary illusion . . . an invitation to get acquainted with your truth.
Self-mastery is...
- CONNECTION. Showing up for yourself and others in full alignment with what's true for you.
- ABUNDANCE. Deeply appreciating all that you have now, all that you are receiving and all that you are naturally offering.
- FREEDOM. Trusting in who you are to be enough, without proof.
Freedom to BE FULLY YOU in your business is natural to you.
This is an invitation to recognize it now . . .
Come alive as YOU.
just because
you choose to.
Move forward with love.
Land Acknowledgement
I respectfully acknowledge the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples, and all the Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast, on whose traditional and unceded territories I live, work and play.